Two Growing Boys – October 2011

I know it’s November, but I’m playing catch up. Somewhere between watching the Rugby World Cup, paying scant attention to the bin lids and working a little bit too much there doesn’t seem to have been much time to curate my photos. But I’m catching up. Slowly. Here is the formal picture of two small boys that I took in October, 2011.

Just testing

Please ignore the small boy behind the curtain. But if this works I may be moving my photos. More later, or not as the fancy takes me.

On the off chance that anyone is still reading this collection of ramblings could you let me know by email or in the comments below if you can’t see a picture of MIGO next to this text. Also, could you check that when you click on the thumbnail that you see a much bigger version of the picture? Thanks awfully.

Did I mention XTC?

I don’t know when it happened but one day in my early 40’s I woke up and discovered that I love XTC. Along with Prefab Sprout they are probably the finest pop artists of the last thirty years. As evidence allow me to present the fantastic Mayor of Simpleton;

You should also listen to Wasp Star (Apple Venus Volume 2) the best album released in 2000.

Two Growing Boys – July and August 2011

A special double month bonanza in this post. First, we have two small boys from July, otherwise known as the birthday month. We had quite a busy time with 2 parties to (in my case) attend. MIGO’s was first, even though his birthday is later, and we enjoyed a couple of quiet hours at AMF Bowling in Dee Why. Well, as quiet as you can expect with 12 children between the ages of 5 and 8. Still no one lost any shoes and there was very little crying. So I count that as a success.

Our next party was a week or so after JFGP‘s birthday and he decided on a gymnastics party. The lovely people at Manly Warringah Gymnastics club organise kid’s parties most weekends and have the event down to a fine art. From floor exercises to the beam, the parallel bars and even vaulting into a foam pit the small people have (and had) a ball. Then we just escorted them upstairs and filled them with the finest party food. Not a healthy item on the table. This one was another hit and a number of the attendees left claiming that they wanted their party at the gym.

Your extra treat is the August picture of the two small people. The month is still young so there isn’t a huge amount to report. Swimming lessons start again in a couple of weeks as we continue our preparation for the 2016 Olympic games where the team are confident of a large number of medals in the pool.

Those keeping an eye on my photo stream at flickr will be forgiven for thinking that I have gone into hibernation. Well I have, somewhat, but I am hoping to get out and about with my camera as winter turns into spring and we start to venture out of the house again. I may even start taking pictures that don’t feature the kids. Then again maybe I won’t.

The Orange Taxi

20110719-IMG_0789.jpg The new car has arrived. I think it looks marvellous, and everyone who has walked past has stopped to take a look. And definitely not to snigger. There has been no sniggering.

It’s been named the orange taxi for two reasons. The first is rather obvious but the second is because it’s the first diesel car I’ve ever owned or driven and when I was growing up the only car type vehicles with diesel engines were the black cabs in London. I know that they are all the rage now but to this day I can’t hear a diesel engine and not think I should be putting my arm up and whistling for attention.

Two small boys were suitably impressed when I picked them up from school yesterday. I asked if they wanted to go for a drive and they said yes. So I asked where they would like to go (just call me consultative Dad) and they both said “home, so we can play Wii”. There is no pleasing some people. These two were pleased when I took them home and let them play Super Mario Brothers.

Nearly Here

I order our new car in April. Last week I had to sign the paperwork, arrange insurance and agree a price for my part exchange. With a bit of luck and a following wind we will be the proud possessors of a new car early next week. There is only one thing left to sort out.

Which 80’s pop stars are coming with my Kia Sportage?

Two Growing Boys – June 2011

In a special shot from Aunty Lorna’s wedding to Uncle Richard here are two small boys in their outfits for this special occasion. The addition of the top shoes was my idea, apparently that makes me a style guru.

They had a great time with their cousins and the rest of the family who gathered at the Old Bell in Hurley for the nuptials. I took this photo nice and early in the day in case the boys got dirty later. It was a great wedding and you can see some of the photos I took in this gallery.

Standing Still For a Moment

I’m writing this from my in-laws lounge in sunny Bracknell. I’ve just come to a stop after two days of non stop car travel, excursions and family bonding for small boys and their mother.

This holiday business is hard work, but enjoyable. I’ve got a couple of vignettes for you from this trip.

Firstly, my lovely wife had obviously forgotten how fickle the English weather is as she only packed shorts and t-shirts in her suitcase for this trip. Her mother had convinced her that the UK was in the midst of the warmest, driest summer since records began. Sadly when we arrived it was cold, grey and raining. You can imagine the whinging that provoked.

The other vignette was this afternoon on the beach at West Wittering, the only beach I know that is run by it’s own company. Two small boys had enjoyed their afternoon crabbing with the Mahoneys and assorted cousins and were desperate for a quick paddle in the sea. I told them that I didn’t have any towels or changes of clothes but that they could go in as long as they only went ankle deep. You can guess what happened next. A very soggy MIGO spent the entire trip back to Bracknell complaining about his wet bum.

Two Growing Boys – April 2011

We have made it to April, 2011. Here are two boys showing off the two uniforms from Manly West. JFGP on the left is wearing the normal school uniform of blue polo shirt and grey shorts, complete with attractive grey socks. His brother MIGO is wearing the sports uniform. This is, as you can see, a yellow polo shirt and blue shorts, or in this case blue tracksuit trousers.

MIGO is wearing long trousers because he is his mother’s son and as soon as the temperature dips below 25 degrees C he complains of being cold.

In April we have had the Easter school holidays and the start of the second term of the year. Both boys went to ‘vacation care’ at their Mum’s office and loved every minute. Both have lost a tooth (or two) and no one has had a hair cut.

Award Winners

20110408-IMG_5249.jpg Today was the last day of the 1st term of 2011. The end of MIGO’s first full term of school. A double whammy day for the Todd boys. At Manly West they give numeracy and literacy awards at the end of each term and the two apples of my eye received one each.

JFGP received his award for “excellence in Mathematics” and MIGO was rewarded for his “keen interest in numbers”. It fair brings a tear of pride to my eye to have a couple of swots on the team. Although they have also joined the Chess club, and that may be a nerdy step too far.