Two Growing Boys – March 2011

Here are the two boys in question in March, 2011. Since we last published a photo we haven’t done much. We did go to Jervis Bay and dress as Romans, but aside from that they have been spending most of their time at school and then recovering from being at school.

This year the boys are in before and after school care and adapting to a new routine. Instead of lounging around the house in their pyjamas until 8:30 and then sauntering down the road to school they have to get up early, get dressed (usually whilst still complaining that they are asleep), have some breakfast and then be out of the house by 7:30. Then after school they stay until we pick them up at 5:30. After a quick dash home it’s time for homework, dinner, bath and then into bed. With all of this going on there isn’t much spare time for causing havoc and mayhem.

Two Growing Boys – February 2011

It would appear that I have been remiss. A quick check of the archives shows that I haven’t shown you any photos of the kids since November 2010. I have been taking them, honest. In fact if you check the photo set you will see entries for January and December. The December one is a bit different as it was the official family photo from Christmas 2010.

But now it is February and time is marching on. To celebrate a big milestone in the house this month’s photo features both of our subjects in their school uniforms. Because this is the week that MIGO started school. Conveniently for us he is going to the same school as his big brother – Manly West Primary School.

Naturally there was much excitement in the house on his first day at school, although the boy himself was remarkably sanguine about the whole experience. Everything went off without a hitch on his first day and he is already looking forward to the rest of the week.

Two Growing Boys – November 2010

This one is a bit late, but has been up on flickr for a while. Here are two small boys in November, 2010. In the month since the last photo the junior members of the team have been on their first camping holiday.

As a sign that they are growing up the smallest member of the team has attended his initiation at Manly West and is all ready to start at big school next year. He has the uniform the hat and the bag and he has taken to wearing it to pre-school most days. Photos will be forthcoming of a small boy and a very large bag.

Hello Campers

Jumping into a hole It’s ok. We survived. The Todd family went on our first camping holiday for a weekend. Although the weather forecast had been dire for the previous week and we drove down under grey skies and drizzle Saturday dawned bright, sunny and hot.

We spent most of Saturday and Sunday on the lovely white beaches of Jervis Bay. The ankle biters and I, with "help" from some of the other kids in the party and the team civil engineer, dug an enormous hole. And what do you do when you’ve dug a big hole in the sand? Why, jump in it of course. According to two small boys this camping lark is quite fun.

These Marvellous Men

It all started in the pub, as these things often do. Ben told us that he had applied to take part in the Red Bull Flugtag, and been accepted. Whilst Richard and I were very happy for him we wondered why he was mentioning it to us. We soon found out because we were informed that we had been selected to be Ben’s support team.

And so I found myself on a Sunday afternoon in November perched on a platform 6 metres above Sydney harbour wearing a completely black outfit, fake moustache and full wig headbanging to ‘Ace of Spades’ and then – oh just watch the video …

Extra points if you can figure out which one was me. As you’ve probably guessed I didn’t have to do much other than turn up and push Mr Reeve into the harbour. But it was a complete hoot and, as usual, the Reeve (and Apps) clans had done a bang up job preparing for a great event. I raise a glass to Ben and his crazy ideas and I hope you will too.

Roaming the streets

20101031-IMG_5059 As it was the last day of October the ankle biters insisted on dressing up and then roaming the streets in search of sweets. Ordinarily I’d be a little bit concerned but given that this is October this kind of behaviour is considered quite acceptable. In fact they were part of one of the many gangs roaming the streets this evening.

I must say that they got away with quite a haul. It’s probably a good thing that I took them both to the dentist for a check up last week. If I took them next week there would be much pursing of lips and shaking of heads by the dental professionals due to the amount of sugar that is going to be consumed in the next few days.

Two Growing Boys – October 2010

Here are the two apples of our eyes pictured in October, 2010. They have just come to the end of two weeks school holidays, a small break before the final term of the school year. Many people have gone away, we didn’t. Mum was working hard on a hardware upgrade and I have no holiday.

It didn’t stop two small boys having a great time. They have play dates, been to the movies, tried a couple of new parks and spent far too much time playing computer games. In fact they even persuaded Lesley to let them rent a couple of Wii games for a few days last week. Now I just have to explain why I won’t be buying them their own copies of these games.

Two Growing Boys – September 2010

20100905-IMG_5024 Here we find our intrepid small children in September 2010. A little larger, a few more teeth (this time) and to show that spring is in the air JFGP has even taken his socks off.

This month’s highlight for the boys was the renewal of our passes to the local swimming pool. This means free and unfettered access whenever they like. Or at least whenever they can persuade someone to take them. So excited were they that they made SWMBO and I take them one Sunday afternoon towards the end of August. The air temperature was in the low teens and the pool temperature not much warmer. In order of "northern-ness" the family rankings were: last – SWMBO, not quite as soft – MIGO, equal rock hardest – JFGP and my good self. I think I need say no more.

Two Growing Boys – August 2010

It has been a while, but here is the latest instalment in my occasional series “two growing boys”. Since the last time they were featured on this blog the boys have had a birthday each during a visit to the mother country. This had two great advantages for me – no birthday parties to fund and less presents to buy because the baggage allowance wouldn’t allow much.

They did have a great time and were spoilt rotten whilst we were away. But that has all stopped now that we are back home. The poor dears now have to exist on a diet of bread and water and endure regular forced marches, all the way to school and back.

On Our Holidays

20100721-IMG_0210 We have been in the UK for the last couple of weeks. Sorry for not posting anything sooner but here are some snaps. Today we went on the rattler to London (from sunny Bracknell) and went on the London Eye. Here is the proof.

This was the first time Granny Perry had been on the train to the capital for the best part of 30 years, but the trip went smoothly. The weather was sunny and the skies clear so we could see most of London during our ‘flight’.

We’ve had quite a bit of luck with the weather whilst we have been here. Although it did rain a bit last week in Devon. In fact, the weather has been so good I had to go out and buy another pair of shorts.

20100721-IMG_0244 Then we had lunch at Pizza Express and were joined by Mr Stott. Here he is with the angelic junior members of the team. They have both had birthdays in the last week and pictures of these occasions will be coming to the internet some time soon.