3 replies on “Travel Writing”

  1. Very good article, and apart from some occasional burning down of some of Sydney, the weather here has settled into glorious summer.


  2. It does indeed sound idyllic. Try sleeping at night with a temp of 28 degrees, 75% humidity and no breeze, and very few Sydneysiders have air conditioning. Enjoy the huntsmen etc comig in after a particulatry windy day. Beautiful one day – perfect the next – actaully today it is pretty perfect (35% humidity). The grass is always greener….

  3. Oh another one in terms of freedom of speech – my arse. Remember Jon was thrown off the NineMSN site for daring to suggest a peaceful protest outside Channel 9 for their appalling coverage of Formula One. Australia is very censored but the public don’t realise it. Oh by the way I do like living in Sydney but get upset that on the whole Aussies don’t have much passion for politics, issues which are important. As I said the grass is always greener…

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