Customer Segmentation

I have been spending money again. I bought a Christmas present over at Amazon. Not such a big thing you would think, except that it was the first thing I had ever bought there.

At Amazon they operate a customer segmentation and classification system where the front page of the web site changes to suggest products that they think you would like to buy.

They currently think that I would like to buy "S Club Juniors, Together", "Carmen Sandiego Treasures of Knowledge" and the DVD of the Britney Spears flick "Crossroads" (not the sad tv soap opera, mum).

So its official, I am a ten year old girl.

3 replies on “Customer Segmentation”

  1. If that’s what they’re sugesting to you I’d hate to think what you purchased to give them these ideas.

  2. Wouldn’t you like to know. But its a Christmas present so I can’t tell you. Or I could, but then I would have to kill you and you probably wouldn’t appreciate that.

    What should be of more concern is who the present is for. It might be you Jon.

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