Socially Responsible

Who was it who said that the internet was just a load of pr0n? Oh yes, that would be me then.

Just in time to save its sad and sullied soul comes Project Gutenberg a selfless effort to make available as many books as possible to as many people as possible. Those of you who have been using this here intarweb for a while will doubtless have heard of it. Visit, download an e-text and wonder at the marvelousness of it all.

But wait, there is more. Because now you can easily contribute to the project through Distributed Proofreaders. This allows you, humble reader, to contribute to the project by checking, a page at a time, books that have been scanned and converted into electronic format. It doesn’t take much effort – apart from a little familiarity with the English language – and you can proof as much or as little as you like. I’ve resolved to checking at least a page a day, see if you can beat me.

Link courtesy of [AMK].