
I’ve been following the progress of Kingfisher 2 via the wonders of the intarweb for the last three weeks. Everything was looking good and then this happened. Luckily all of the crew are fit and healthy and on the plus side they will at least get a wash and a hot meal slightly earlier than anticipated.


There has been an update at Bobo’s Babblings. In it she describes why my life is so great. They key word here is "glowing", every time I use it in the vicinity of my beloved I get a slap. Can’t think why

On the good news front I’ve got a updated demo version of this web-site running on my machine at home. Expect changes soon.

Even more useless facts

I love the internet. If it didn’t exist I wouldn’t know what to do, I would probably have to invent a way of connecting disparate computer networks together. Anyway.

Not satisfied with the tit-bits from Schotts? Take a look at Brewers. A particular favourite of mine is the list of Former Blue Peter presenters. By eck, them old days were good. [Courtesy of Andrew Losowsky]

Oh, and for the trivia obsessed, this is the three hundredth post to Whats Doing. Which is nice.

Holidays, clear up and clarification

I haven’t really got a lot to say today, but I do have a long list of things to communicate.

Firstly, there will be no baby news on this blog. Thats why I set one up for the wife (403 days since an update, and counting). I may well casually mention major milestones here, like the birth, but for the nitty gritty news and views you will have to rely on SWMBO.

I am also acutely aware that I promised to post some wedding photos as soon as possible after the event. I have only kept you waiting for a measly one hundred and eighty six days, so I consider myself a paragon of virtue in that regard. I still haven’t got hold of a scanner though, so you may have to wait just a little longer, sorry Sophie.

I have got a number of digital pictures on my camera so when I get some spare time I will sort the wheat from the chaff and post some highlights of high days, holidays and toddler’s parties in the album.

On the good news front, we have booked our summer holiday. Bearing in mind that the months of July, August and September don’t bode well for travel we have plumped for a week in late May. We are off to the south of France, where my beloved will be lounging by the pool and I shall be cooking. As it is a holiday I shall be adopting the Keith Floyd approach and making sure that my wine glass is always brimming.

Meanwhile, over at Really? Ciaran has been left alone with an internet connection and an over zealous mobile phone sales person. I hope you didn’t get ripped off old chap, and that Debbie had a lovely time in Brisbane.

My final piece of news is that I have a cold, which is making me grumpy. So no change there then.

More Satire

I know its political, but this wins my inaguaral award for best use of flash. Which is quite an achievement because I normally run away from these animations screaming and waving my hands. Generally due to the quality but also because of the immense amount of time they take to download over a phone line.

My favourite line, and the one that sealed its award winning status, is We are up Shi’ite creek. Ha ha ha. [Courtesy of London’s free newspaper, the Metro]


If you remember, I said last year that we decided to stay in the UK for a number of reasons. The most important one was that my beloved wished to spend more time with her family and friends.

Far be it for me to tell tales out of school but it is now seven months since she last spoke to one of her (ahem) best friends. Would anyone care to explain why I’m putting up with the less than optimal temperatures and hours and hours of football on television?