Some of you may remember my requests for a list of rock songs last year. If you do, congratulations for paying attention. At the time I wondered why Mr Buck was asking me for a list of thirty one tunes. Well, now all is revealed, as I spotted Nick Hornby’s latest book in the shop this afternoon. Thats right, its called thirty one and is essentially a list of thirty one essays, each about a different song.
Of course, this could just be an enormous coincidence. But I think not. It may take me a while, but Christopher be sure that I will find you out. I did this time.
I couldn’t resist dipping in and sampling the prose of course. Reading the first chapter reminds me that I don’t have nearly enough Teenage Fanclub in my record collection. What I do have is courtesy of the good taste of Richard Billington. Off to the can I have page for me.