Two Growing Boys – May 2013

I’ve done it again. I look away for what feels like a couple of minutes and I find I haven’t posted here for 4 months. Well here we have our 2 subjects in May 2013. Not looking a great deal different to the last photo even though they have had a busy few months.

The larger one (JFGP) has taken up archery. He has been shooting arrows at targets with his Mum for the last few Saturday mornings. Now that the course has finished he is a fully fledged Robin Hood. All he needs now is some green tights. The little one has been coming to tennis lessons with me and if he carries on his current rate of improvement he’ll make the ATP tour any year now. Keep your eyes peeled for that one.

And We’re Back

For those paying attention things have been rather, err, empty around here for the last couple of weeks. The nice people hosting this web site decided to turn off the server running it without notice. Which was nice. Luckily I’ve managed to resurrect the content and move it to a new host. If you didn’t notice that this wasn’t here then please just carry on as normal.

Two Growing Boys – January 2013

OK, hands up, who knows what happened to December? Someone? Anyone? No, fair enough then. I will just say that it was rather busy and for a change we have enjoyed quite a sunny Christmas and New Year.

Two small boys were spoilt outrageously during the six weeks of their summer holiday. With a grand total of three different holidays to, in turn; Putty Beach, Kingscliff and then Soldiers Point. Although they did remark that all of this leisure activity tired them out before returning to school in February. The good news from this year’s holiday activities is that there were no broken bones and everyone is sound in wind and limb. Here’s hoping it lasts through the rest of 2013.

Two Growing Boys – November 2012

It’s November, which in this part of the world means the approach of both Summer and Christmas. I’ve been too busy to notice as there were 4 test matches on this weekend and I did my best to watch them all simultaneously. I’ve put in some hard work watching at the ground as well. A couple of weeks ago I spent the day at the SCG for the opening day of the NSW v Victoria Sheffield Shield match. But enough about me, what about the two subjects of our photo? They have been busy attending school but managed to wrangle a day out last week. They both took part in a chess tournament and managed a few wins each.

We’ve also re-arranged our spare room in the last couple of weeks. Mainly so that Mum can park her shiny new racing bike inside. But also so that I could be encouraged to de-clutter even more of the things that I had been keeping ‘just in case’. I now have a lot less magazines, books and clothes but strangely no desire to go out and replace them. I’m going to start on the boy’s room next and see how many of their possessions they really need.

Two Growing Boys – October 2012

Say hello to the luckiest, and possibly most spoilt, young boys in the world.

This weekend they have been exceptionally fortunate and have both received new bikes. They can thank their Mum for this. Inspired by Uncle Benjy she has decided to become a middle aged lady in lycra. As she was at the bike shop spending an extortionate amount of money she ordered a new bike each for 2 small boys. They all picked up their new 2 wheeled chariots this weekend.

Add to this that JFGP was treated to a trip to a local music store where there was a sale. He walked away with a new trumpet and a solemn promise to practice now and then so that he can be selected for the intermediate band at school next year. We live in hope.

Comedy Night

Last night I did something I have been threatening to do for ages. I went out. As I grow older and even more curmudgeonly this is a rarer and rarer occurrence. But after watching Billy Connolly at the Opera House (nearly eighteen months ago now) I had made a sincere pledge to go and watch more live comedy.

So last night Mr Hennessy and I made our way to the monthly comedy night at the King Street Brewhouse for an evening of frivolity. And a couple of cleansing ales. I’m not going to review the night because I am one of those people who forgets a joke about 20 seconds after hearing it. But the evening did pass the Wittertainment five laugh test. We will probably go again. Who knows, I may get enthused and make it in less than eighteen months this time.

Two Growing Boys – September 2012

Spring has sprung in the southern hemisphere as you can see from the fact that JFGP is wearing shorts in this picture. Not a lot else has changed since the long winter months. No one has broken any bones for a change. No one has won the lottery, sadly.

There have been the usual school related fun and games; band concerts, excursions and quite a lot of speeches delivered – some of them were even written beforehand. But apart from that we continue on with life and two small boys continue on their quest to get bigger and bigger.

Trying something new

In an effort to stop consuming so much internet content and start producing something I have talked myself into a little experiment. Starting last week and continuing until I lose interest I’m going to be taking and publishing a photo each day with my phone camera.

Using one of those new fangled ‘apps’ I can take a photo and publish it on the internet, just not on this site. So I’ve exhumed a tumblr blog I created a while ago to host my photographic scribblings. My enthusiasm didn’t extend to coming up with a novel name though, so say hello to my experiment with a daily photo.