
I’m sitting at my desk applying after sun to my face every half hour. I went to the cricket with Mark and Ben on Friday and because we were sitting in the shade all day I didn’t wear a hat or any sun screen.

Cue my worst case of sunburn for quite a number of years. What makes it bad is that because I don’t normally expose my face to the sun, unless it is under layers of factor 30+, it is the part of my body the worst affected and the most visible. They’ve started calling me the beetroot around the office.

After nearly twelve years in this country you would think that I would learn, wouldn’t you.

2 replies on “Pink”

  1. Bless 🙁 We’re having just the same problem here…except it’s raindrops rather than UV rays…hurrah!

  2. well i had a mild case of the same…still can’t work out what caused it ??? maybe reflections from Tendulkar’s hundred….:)

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