Moving On

There have been complaints from several quarters that it has been rather quiet around these parts. Its just a shame that most of the complainants are too technologically challenged to click on the ‘Comments’ link and say it through the medium of this web site. Ho hum.

You will not be surprised to hear that the reason for my slackness is that I’ve been busy. Apart from the weekend small person wrangling and general domestic duties I’ve been looking for a new job. And the good news is that I’ve got one. Starting in three weeks I shall be differently employed. Expect more news nearer the time but I tendered my resignation on Wednesday – think of it as my Valentines present to my current employer – and have negotiated a slightly shorter than contractually necessary notice period so that I can start my new job on the 12th of March. Wish me luck.

One reply on “Moving On”

  1. nice one. i’ll put the iou for my beer on hold for the leaving drinks :).

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