On The Delights Of Children

The eldest offspring, usually known as JFGP has started developing what can only be described as personality “quirks”. Here are a selection for your amusement, and for his derision when he finds this entry in about twenty years;

  • Orange is his favourite colour. We are having children’s dinner time as I type this and number 1 son is wearing an orange t-shirt, drinking out of an orange juice cup and his meal consists of fish fingers, spaghetti numbers in tomato sauce and mashed sweet potato. The common theme running through these foods is, of course, that they are coloured orange.
  • Why? He’s reached that age. You know, the one where the response to every statement you make is “Why?”. I figure this one may grow out of this inquisitive stage by his twenties. I’ll keep you posted.
  • It was his third birthday last Saturday (of which more later), but according to JFGP he went from five years old to ten. His arithmetic may be suspect but at this rate he’ll be out earning money and repaying me for his toys by this time next year.

One reply on “On The Delights Of Children”

  1. Schhhhtopppp!!! Are there any Dutch genes in the family? Keep a watchful eye; he could develop a taste for fiercely strong ‘jazz’ cigarettes and a fixation on caravanning holidays in his later years.

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