Hospital Pass

I don’t normally sully this page with actual news, but just for a change here we go.

OB Todd is spending some quality time at the Children’s Hospital with what looks like another UTI. Luckily he’s in the best place for treatment and hopefully this time we got onto it early enough that he’ll be alright. He’s currently on intravenous doses of the horse strength antibiotics and with luck and a following wind will be allowed to come home on Friday.

SWMBO is keeping him company on the ward which means that I’ve assumed the role of JFGP entertainer. Thanks to a large amount of help from Mr Housewife and the Reeve family the larger little bloke is having a whale of a time.

The irony here is that on Monday we found out the reason for these repeated infections (a problem with the left ureter where it joins the bladder) thanks to an investigation by the urology team at the same hospital. Although the paranoid conspiracy theorist in me says that it can’t be a coincidence that he got an infection within twenty four hours of the procedure he underwent.