A Saturday in November

After the excitement of last Saturday today was quite a normal day at Todd Towers.

I dragged myself out of bed at around 7:30am and roused JFGP from his pit. I had the delightful pleasure of watching Nick Jr. whilst we had our breakfasts and prepared for the rigours of the day.

SMWBO and HBIB joined us just before 9am just as the last remnants of my intelligence were seeping out of my ears. JFGP and I then got washed and dressed and made our way to the pool for our Saturday morning swim class. Today was a corker, we ducked, dived, jumped and swam like professionals. If he didn’t already have a nickname I’d be plumping for number 1 son to be called "fishy".

When we got home there was time for a quick bite of lunch before we had to get the train set out and set up so that JFGP could indulge in his favourite play activity. Meanwhile SWMBO went to her weekly tennis lesson and returned with dreams of winning Wimbledon. Or maybe the odd game at Wakehurst tennis club (web site coming soon – honest).

After that she left me with HBIB whilst she and JFGP hurried off to the mall to do some grocery shopping. The idea was that I would review some papers for the conference I’m attending next month whilst the newest member of the team had a snooze. He, naturally, had different ideas and I spent most of the afternoon feeding him formula. The good news now is that everyone’s gone to bed and I’ve managed to read everything I need to. The bad news is that rather than writing my reviews of these papers I’m writing this diary entry.

When the team returned from the shopping we started on the three hour tea time, bath time and bed time ritual. By the time both of the younger ones were in bed I had the home made pizza in the oven and Iron Chef on the TV.

Now it’s late and I’m watching the cricket whilst waiting up to give HBIB his last feed of the day before retiring to bed.

How was your day?

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