Project Fish Update

I spoke too soon. There are now four fish in the aquarium. Which just goes to prove that you don’t mess with SWMBO.

On unrelated news I managed to come last in the tennis club monthly round robin competition yesterday. I played like someone with a PhD in Advanced Muppetry.

On un-unrelated news, the new Ben Folds album is out and I’ve been listening to my copy for the last few days. It’s very good.

Even better, the iTrip that my lovely wife got me for my birthday has now been exchanged by the dealer because the original one was broken (despite their protestations to the contrary). This means that I can finally listen to my audio collection in the car. Even better, thanks to this top tip I’ve got a really good playlist that could best be described as "Andy Radio" – coming at ya loud and live in your nice white headphones.