Come The Revolution

I’ve long maintained a personal list of people who will be "first against the wall come the revolution". Rapidly ascending that list is Dan Brown who stole several hours of my life when I read his execrable novel "The Da Vinci Code". Luckily, I’m not alone in this opinion and Ben Last explains the pain that is a Dan Brown "novel" much more eloquently than I ever could.

But today further evidence reaches us that accelerates Mr Brown’s rise up my personal pick of the tossers. Take a look at the picture in this BBC news article. He’s wearing a polar necked jumper and a tweed jacket. Heresy! Is it still the 1950s? I rather think not. Last smoke with your blindfold Mr Brown?

P.S. If you’re reading this the interruption I mentioned is over. We are now hosted at TextDrive and powered by WordPress. Which is nice.

5 replies on “Come The Revolution”

  1. Pick of the Tossers? Wasn’t that hosted by ‘Fluff’ Freeman?…and what’s wrong with the 1950’s? They had National service then, you know…There wouldn’t be the crime there is today…blah..blah (copyright Daily Mail)

  2. I’m afraid your lovely Sister has to disagree with you. I read it about a year ago, not knowing any of the hype and thought it was fab, good dosage of religious stuff to appeal to my teacher-y side and a suitable amount of intrigue to keep me interested. You’ll have to stop being such an intellectual snob!
    Lots of Love

  3. I’m not an intellectual snob. I just dislike bad writing, one dimensional characters, more cliches than you can shake a stick at and a writer who couldn’t research his way out of a wet paper bag.

    I apply the same rules to this book that I do to the news, if they get most of the facts wrong on the subjects I know the chances aren’t good that they’ve got anything else right either. And before anyone cries ‘Its a novel’ in the forward our esteemed writer claims that this piece of drivel is based on verifiable facts. To which I respond with a whole hearted cry of bollocks!

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