You Can’t Get the Staff

If I weren’t leaving the country tomorrow I would be off to see my travel agent to fire him. He convinced us that our trip to Thailand this week would be fine, and that the weather would be great – "But why is the hotel so cheap?" we asked. It should have prompted a little research.

Still, better late than never. So this morning I took a look at the upcoming weather forecast. Bugger. For the next ten days Phuket will be hot, humid, and graced with thunderstorms every single day. So much for a relaxed beach side holiday.

The only up side is that SWMBO will be able to try and bankrupt me at the spa.

6 replies on “You Can’t Get the Staff”

  1. If you had gone to your travel agent, you wouldn’t have found him. No, Tubby Bro (aka Dipsy) was not off sunning himself on a beach away from tropical storms. He was having route canal surgery today. So there is justice.

    Enjoy your “special body buff massage”


  2. Hope you’ve not drwoned. would be nice if you kep granny up to date with your doings

  3. Got your text last evening. glad u all landed. Thought such an avid nerd would have posted all his new pics and stuff by now. Waiting to see what rain looks like in Phuket.

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