100 Albums

Courtesy of LinkMachineGo here is a list of 100 albums you should remove from your record collection.. Classic stuff, I’m only surprised that Oasis didn’t make it into the top ten.

Pay particular attention to entry forty five. But they are wrong about number fifty eight.

If I was a suspicuous man after reading this I’d say that it looks like Mr Cranky had turned his hand to music criticism.

Going back to an old theme, this is the sort of stuff that Q used to pull off with wit and humour. Somehow I don’t think they would even try it these days. Ho hum.

One reply on “100 Albums”

  1. So, I should throw away the following albums should I?:

    REM – Out Of Time
    Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon

    I’d rather stick a rusty pin in my eye.

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