Oh Dear

With the news of the impending impending reformation of Cold Chisel the sales of flannel shirts "at Lowes" have gone through the roof. Discerning music fans, however, just shrug their shoulders and are thankful that the streets will be free of Utes when Jimmy and the boys play a gig in the local pub.

After extensive research we have discovered that the possible reasons for them getting back together again are; that Barnesey is skint (again) or that they are all so feeble minded that they still think its the 1980s. Dear, oh, dear.

2 replies on “Oh Dear”

  1. I’ll book you a ticket then Mr Todd. I take that you will also be attending AC/DC’s intimate gig at London’s Carling Apollo Hammersmith on October 21.

    I’d like to fly over myself but I haven’t been able to get that one past the financial comittee.


  2. Does that mean that the Aussies will have to learn the words to a new song or will Khe Sahn still be played in every pub in Oz every ten minutes.

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