Spooky Coincidence

The 70’s throwback and I were discussing back catalogues at the weekend, and I casusally mentioned that I’d like to renew my acquaintance with the fine works of Tears For Fears. Well blow me if they aren’t getting back together again. I’m a little suspicious that the new material won’t quite have the impact of the old, but you never know your luck in the big city.

Of course, I’m now off to Amazon – just to check out the prices of The Seeds of Love and Songs from the Big Chair. There won’t be any accidental pressing of the "buy" button, certainly not.

One reply on “Spooky Coincidence”

  1. Kick out The Style, bring back The Jam….That’s what I say.

    And don’t buy Heineken in the SAS Radisson at Amsterdam Airport….11 Euros for 2 pints!!!!!

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