11 replies on “Please Allow Me To Introduce”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS to you both!! your dad had just sent the good news via e-mail !!!Mum and Dad say Hi too!!

    Em x

  2. Congratulations!

    I hope that Alexander gives you as much, uh, *everything*, as I get from my girls. You’ll find the sleepless nights *more* than compensated for.

    You’ll get a *million* pieces of advice from other parents. I have just one – trust yourselves. You know Alexander better than *anyone*, so do what feels right to you, ‘cos it will be.

    Now, go and get some sleep while you have the chance!

  3. Congrats, a dad a last eh. Well I hope you are planning a huge “wet the babies head” do. I’ll knock back a brew or to here in celebration.

  4. Congratulations to the proud mum and dad. He looks very cute, so you don’t need to worry about thinking that you have a beautiful baby while the rest of the world recoils in horror from “The Ugly Baby”. You know me I’d tell you if he was ugly, but I repeat he is verry cute.

    One question though, did you cop much abuse during the delivery ??

    All the best to You, Bobo and Alexander

  5. I envy the little one, he can proudly support which ever team is winning out of Australia v UK/England, normally I would have said that would make him a proud supporter of all Austalian sporting teams, however with our run of late, I see Alexander being a strong supporter of English Rugby!

  6. Congratulations Andy and Mrs Andy of course. Welcome to Alexander. I’m very happy for you both, welcome to the world of parenting. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, but the rewards are beyond measure.


  7. Congratulations! Jonny although both parents have dual nationality I think little Alexnader will always support England (but hopefully not the Kiwis or South Africa whenever Australia are up against them). Andy & Bobo I was awoken in Sydney on Tuedsay by Jon playing an Angels song – Alexander! Your little one is truely honoured! Much love Emmaxx

  8. Well done you two, Alexander looks adorable!
    Once your settled into family life, we’d love to catch up.
    Lots of Love,
    Mumtaz & Nick xxx

  9. Congratulations! I just heard on the Whiston Vine!! He’s exactly a year older than Aimee (9th July 02). Can you send me your postal address – I have parcel waiting to post. Send more photos!!

    Love abc & a

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