Did I Say Digital Radio?

Blimey, no sooner had I written my previous entry than I came across this story about using software rather than hardware to process radio signals in the Guardian by that fine writer and pipe smoker Ben Hammersley.

Interesting reading, and thought provoking about the future of the internet (which you probably don’t care about) as a facilitator of new ways of transmitting radio and television, which you probably do care about. Lets not even go into the implications for what this means to the mobile telephony industry, because by now you’ve got bored and wandered off to Dilbert.

Of course, anyone smugly declaring that "I don’t watch TV, I don’t even own one" will be taken outside and shot. Just a warning.

3 replies on “Did I Say Digital Radio?”

  1. I don’t watch TV, I immerse myself in the transmitted audiovisual entertainment experience.

    Oh, and I occasionaly appear on it.

  2. Internet Radio, its fantastic, and also how I listen to Merick and Rosso when I get off the train and am sitting at my desk.

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