Exercise Your Democratic Right

Vote in the duck’s worst ever movie poll. My suggestion of Nutty Professor II didn’t make it past the first round because not enough people supported it – *cough*. Luckily you, my happy readers, can restore my faith in you by pushing our next least favourite picture – Titanic – to the top of the list. Just click on this link, select your movie of choice from the drop down list and press the submit vote button.

Now, far be it from me to suggest that the democratic process can be subverted, but no lesser authority than Scary himself has suggested that multiple votes won’t necessarily be excluded. Which means that if you were to press the back button in your browser after voting and "accidentally" press the vote button again it may benefit the cause. If you do nothing else this weekend, vote Crap-tanic.

I thank you.

One reply on “Exercise Your Democratic Right”

  1. Looks like ‘Freddie got Fingered’ is a dead cert.

    You’re just not getting you own way with this, are you, mate?

    (Posted with Firebird. 😉

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