Busy Doing Nothing

Another week passes and whilst I am constantly in motion I don’t seem to have done anything "blog worthy". Well, almost. If you look in the other place you will notice that the nerd factor has ratcheted up to about 11, but you don’t care about that, do you?

So, I’ve decided to give this page a little shake down. If you cast your eyes to the left you will see that I have updated the list of links. Gone is the "recommended" section, if you can’t find Google, the BBC or the ABC by yourself then you are stuck in the last century. Probably the 1970’s.

Instead, I thought I would let you see what I’m reading. The first list is the web sites I try and look at every day. They are predominantly blogs, but that doesn’t make them bad websites. Take a look, you probably won’t like everything that I do (the world would be very dull if everyone was as marvellous as me) but you might find something you would never have looked at before.

The second list is, as it says, friends and family. All are there by merit – except Uncle Baldy who begged me to link to him. Although lets face it his content is the best so he didn’t exactly have to press his case. Note that there are only four entries in this list, and one of them is mine.

If you read this blog, work in one segment or other of the IT industry and don’t have a website to link to, shame on you. Knock one up now, send me the URL and it shall be added. It will make you a better person.

In non-nerdy related news, I popped in to see my sister yesterday (not likely to have a web site for a long time) and am glad to report that she and Mark are well. Sadly Mark’s choice of footwear isn’t. His London Irish slippers are proof, if proof is needed, that you can take memorabilia collection just too far. Next time I’m there I will take my camera and get a picture so that you too can share in his excessive devotion to the team in green.

Update. The online shop at London-Irish.com (which I was hoping to link to for extra comedy value) is so broken its not funny. I thought it was my choice of ghetto browser that was the problem, but it doesn’t come up in the great stan of browsers either. Bad, bad rugby club. Of course, anyone using Shopcreator deserves all of the (lack of) business they get. But I’ve gone full circle back to nerdy again so I’ll shut up.

One reply on “Busy Doing Nothing”

  1. Mr Todd I notice there is no link to my rather outdated site. Shame. I will put you on notice however that there is a new site and new adress on the way which will contain both a blog for my self and Mrs P. I will advise when said site is live, so keep an eye out for montydog.net

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