5 replies on “I Don’t Like Cricket …”

  1. The PIN is on the way, and the team to look out for is “Because It’s 11”.

  2. Hi Mr Todd – my team (Mighty MinTy) is PIN 246604.

    Do we get to see who you have chosen?



  3. Mr T, you have been added. Jonny, let me know your pin and you too can be part of Resolutely Dedicated. Once you are in the league you can see all of the other teams, and I can’t believe that Mark has picked that chucker – S Bond. Strange, also, that everyone I know has picked A Gilchrist as their wicket keeper.

  4. Mmmm, I thoaught I’d emailed you the pin, maybe I was dreaming,246590 is the magic number

    Jonny P

  5. Jonny, you weren’t dreaming. You were probably just pissed đŸ˜‰

    Still, the email is on my other machine so thanks for the heads up.

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