
So, after a couple of days in Bristol I am now back in the smoke and attempting to resume normal life.

Meanwhile, one of the things I enjoy about living in blighty is the sheer volume of interesting things. One of these is Question Time. The ABC tried an Australian version but it didn’t go down too well, probably because very few people watch the ABC any more.

Anyway, last night’s edition was a cracker, in one corner we had Jeremy Clarkson and in the other we had Ken Livingstone. The debate was fast, furious and funny. But I was slightly suprised to find myself agreeing with the Mayor on virtually every point.

Almost as suprised as when I found out that the 70’s throwback has recently had a drive in a new Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8. Git.

One reply on “Observations”

  1. Young man….Those that can, do…
    Those that can’t…work in the motor trade.

    And yes, it is brutally fast…

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