Rock and Roll

In keeping with today’s theme, and in case the seventies throwback hasn’t spotted it yet (yes, I’m talking to you Molly), the schedule for the Marillion Weekend 2003 has been released.

If you want to know what we are going to be up to take a look at the web page.

You know, I’m quite looking forward to the whole thing now. Although I shall not be volunteering for swap the band. I’ll leave that to a certain school band vocalist I know. Yes, thats you again Molly.

One reply on “Rock and Roll”

  1. Blimey….technology eh? And as for ‘swap the band’, much like Marillion’s former vocalist the Stella Artois and Benson and Hedges have taken a terrible toll on the voice…frankly, I can’t hold a tune in a suitcase….and never could..

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