You Can Finally Be a Man

Birthday boy, birthday boy, birthday boy.

There, that got it out of my system. Its going to be quite a quiet day, I haven’t got anything planned apart from a little mooching around during the day and then a little light celebrating in the West End this evening. It will be a select group, as I emailed an invite to everyone I know and they are all apparently very busy. Apart from my sister, who is going to a pop quiz. Really.

Still, the wife took me out last night (thanks dear). We went to see a little comedy at the Soho Theatre. Very funny, and quite excruciating at some points.

I even got some presents, thanks for the rugby shirt Mum, its almost exactly the same as the one you bought me four years ago, which I am still wearing by the way. But the piece de resistance came from Bobo, a corkscrew with its own web site. A completely top tool for wine loving folks. Even better, its made by the people who make the best casserole dishes in the world, Le Creuset so I have an excuse to go and ogle cookware for a while at their web site.

Now that is a phrase I didn’t think I would ever use, does it mean I am growing as a person?

Meanwhile, for those reading this from the other side of the world I’ll just share todays weather in London with you. The sky is grey and overcast, there is a light wind blowing directly from Siberia and consequently the temperature is somewhere between completely freezing and really bloody cold. Welcome to autumn in England. I am very glad that I bought a nice warm jumper last weekend, although I am holding out against buying thermals – for the time being.

Still, there are horse chestnuts on the ground so I should be able to play conkers at school work next week. You know, I haven’t seen a conker for years, didn’t miss them though.