Because I can

I’m aware that I haven’t been posting with my usual regularity, and my apologies for that. I have been somewhat busy, but I’ve also been somewhat lazy as well.

Still, we have been out and about doing things. I’ve managed to get a job, but I don’t start work until the 14th of October. So, in the mean time we are trying to do London on a shoestring. The previous two sentences are connected you see, its hard to do things when you haven’t got a job (and thus no money coming in) but its a little career challenging to leave work at two o’clock in the afternoon because you must just pop into the V & A dahling.

Still, I have been reminded of why I like living in London. Last week we went to an Iain Banks reading and I even got to ask a question – oh the shiver of excitement – and meet the man up close. I don’t believe Iain has ever done one of those down under. I’m also trying to get tickets to the Fast Show Live, not a possibility for those that live in sunny Sydney.

Mind you, its starting to get bloody cold round these parts. I’m going to have to invest in a whole winter wardrobe when I get my first pay check. Well, the bits of it that don’t go to the credit card company and Bobo’s boot fund anyway.