Like a Merry Go Round

Its been non stop today. I am officially the king of the chores.

So far, I’ve got the car serviced, undertaken the great fridge swap 2002 ™, been to the dentist (no fillings required, a miracle) and been for a swim. Blimey, time for a sit down methinks.

Meanwhile, Bobo has returned home from work and is doing her best to reduce the size of the sofa cushions.

For those who are interested, the fridge swap story is fairly simple. When we moved into this house, unlike every other rental property in Sydney, it came with a fridge. Because we already had a fridge we had a dilemma. Luckily, Warren came to our rescue and took the house fridge off our hands, leaving Bobo and I to enjoy the delights provided by Fisher and Paykel – the official supplier of white goods to this household, by fiat of SWMBO. Unfortunately Wozza upped and left and the fridge duplication reared its ugly head again. Even more fortunately for us, Mark and Sophie stepped into the breach and offered to take on custody.

So, we come to today. We are giving up the house and leaving the country. When the real estate agent inspects the house they are expecting to see the house fridge. Hence, the great fridge swap.

Mark hired a ute from Kennards in Artarmon and drove to Manly. With the help of Mr Reeve’s trolley we loaded the fridge onto the back of the ute and drove to Crows Nest. Naturally we adopted the pose of the working man in a working man’s vehicle, elbows were placed on window sills, shades were donned, dodgy a.m. radio stations were turned up loud and rude gestures were made to anyone who dared to drive past us or in any way "diss" us. At the other end we unloaded the fridge from the ute, manhandled it into Mark and Sophies flat and I then reminded Mark that he should unplug and empty their fridge before we moved it. I have to admit we were a little more cavalier in our return journey, its almost as if we had dropped our trousers just enough to expose that two centimetres of bum crack that qualified us as professional removal men. Suffice it to say the swap is complete and my lager is sufficiently cooled for me to pop open a cold one. Chin, chin.