Who Wants To Be The Disco King?

Found, one gadget that I must buy.

Sorry dear, I know I promised to be well behaved and reduce my expenditure on toys of a technical nature but rules are just made to be broken, aren’t they.

The Archos Jukebox Player is just too good to resist. I saw the Terapin Mine and decided that my life wouldn’t be complete without one. Then I saw the price and decided it was time to suffer. Today, almost by accident I came across the Archos web site and discovered for less than half the price of a Terapin Mine I could get a portable MP3 player with 20Gb of space that could also act as a portable hard drive for my army of computers. The only thing the Terapin Mine has that it doesn’t is a fast ethernet connection, enabling it to be shared amongst lots of computers on a network. Luckily I don’t need that and the order for the Jukebox is going in tonight. Yee-ha.