Move along the bus now

In a break from our scheduled coverage, I would like to bring you this scary message;

The Lone Gunmen are dead.

Is anyone actually watching the X-Files any more? Here I’m looking in the general direction of the Palmers for confirmation that interest peaked very many seasons ago. I, for one, watched a couple of episodes in the first series and got very frustrated with the fact that they concentrated solely on being moody and forget plot or character development. But that is just my opinion.

The scary thing about the link above (apart from the fact that it is from /. – don’t even start Mr Reeve) is the sheer volume of comments about that story, 630 the last time I looked. These people need to get out more. Here is one of the best comments on the whole story;

"And to all the people complaining: come on, it’s only television. If you find yourself complaining that someone spoiled the ending to your favorite TV show, AND that show is the XFiles, AND the spoilage was that the geeky subversives with whom you identify were killed: You really need to (re)evaluate your life. Put down the game comtroller, move out of your parent’s basement and cut the mullet. That *whoosh* you hear is life passing you by."

I’m off for a bracing walk and perhaps a discussion of the merits of iambic pentameter in modern prose. Tootle pip.