Award Rubbish

Everyone is talking about the Oscars, even Ciaran. I’d just like to say that I watched the show for about thirty seconds last night (we get a delayed telecast here – thanks Channel 9) and then Bobo had to change the channel just to stem the stream of foul languague coming out of my mouth. Utter rubbish. Overblown preeners who should really get off my television.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m an avid consumer of Hollywood’s output. I watch more television than is good for me, I even go to the cinema every now and then. What I object to is self indulgent back slapping award fests that take up over four hours of prime time television. Do we really need to hear that the guy who did the make up for Lord of the Toss really liked New Zealand? I think not. Next year, just post the winners on a web page and let the rest of us get along with things.

Success should be its own reward. Bah, humbug.