One more thing whilst I

One more thing whilst I am here. I promised two weeks ago to update my style sheets to make this web site slightly easier on the eye. I’ve reviewed my HTML and CSS and, surprisingly, it is a bigger job than I thought. The result is that I will need to perform at least the equivalent of another site re-design to achieve this.

This effort will be a bit like repairing a road. Lots of effort, disruption and bum cracks, but at the end no noticeable difference. It will be worth it though, even if the only outwardly visible sign of all of this hard work is a drop down list allowing you to display this page in the colour scheme of your choice, just like Mark Pilgrim has done on his blog.

For the technically literate, I’m going to try and follow Mark’s Accessibility Statement as well.

Suffice it to say this will not be done in a hurry. Sorry for any delay but we will endeavour to maintain normal service for the duration.