The Annihilation Score

Author : Charles Stross
Title: The Annihilation Score

This book was released in the civilised parts of the world last Thursday. I appear to have read it in five days. Which given that I’m averaging four to five books a year at the moment is something of a speed read for me.

Unsurprisingly I rather liked it. I don’t think I’ve read a novel by Charlie Stross that I haven’t liked. Some of his older hard science fiction books have not been exactly to my taste, but I think that’s more a review of me than the books. The Laundry Files and the Merchant Princes books have been great. The major reason I enjoy them is his obvious subversion of different genres and cultural stereotypes. It usually takes me a while to get them, again a reflection on the reader, but the moment when I worked out his twist of the James Bond stories in The Jennifer Morgue was worth the price of entry alone.

In this book Charlie takes a look at the superhero genre but can’t resist, as with all of the other Laundry Files books, imagining the impact on bureaucratic government departments and agencies. For instance I loved his description of the application of health and safety standards to superhero costumes. In common with the Incredibles movie he agree that capes should be banned not on aesthetic grounds but because of the potential for injury.

It’s the first book in the Laundry Files series to be written from a character other than Bob Howard’s viewpoint. According to the author it won’t be the last though. That change from the preceding novels allows for an interesting counter point to events that were observed and reported in previous novels.

I read this in five days but that won’t be the last time I do. I’m going to let the ideas and plot points settle and percolate in my brain for a while. Then I am going to go back in for another more leisurely read to really enjoy this book.

Cat Photos

Because apparently every blog needs it’s fair share of cat pictures. This is the latest edition to our household soon after he arrived in October last year.


Sir Terry

Hopefully one day I’ll be able to write down what Sir Terry Pratchett’s books have meant to me. From Good Omens through the whole Discworld. Until then I’ll go with this quote;

“If you trust in yourself. . .
and believe in your dreams. . .
and follow your star. . .
you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.”

Plus this from xkcd

Just Kicking the Tires

I’m trying to write a new blog post but am a little stuck for inspiration. As usual for us techno types I have taken refuge in fiddling under the bonnet of the site. I refreshed all of the growing posts and photographs the other day and then I upgraded the underlying software to WordPress 4.0. Then I was on a roll so I installed the Jetpack plugin. This allows me to write posts in Markdown and that is what prompted this post. Not that you can tell but I’m writing this in a nice easy to use format that translates well to the web.

Now back to your regularly scheduled radio silence. At least until I can think of something to write about.

Two Growing Boys – October 2014

In a half-hearted attempt to catch up here is a picture of our subjects taken quite recently. As you can see JFGP has decided that since he lives by the beach he needs a surfer’s hair cut. On our trip to the UK in July most of the extended family disagreed and said that he needed a trim. MIGO, meanwhile, is laughing at my excellent joke.