Quote for the day

Quote for the day [from Diary of a start-up], and bear in mind that I have a degree in Management;

"Management has fallen into the same category as Psychiatrists and Lawyers; there are far too many of them, and not enough quality left in stock"

I should point out that this gem is in the comments at the bottom of the piece, but you should read the story anyway.

Nothing to be seen here

Nothing to be seen here this week, sorry Mrs P. I won’t be saying much over the weekend as we are going away. Keen observers (Mr Reeve) will have already guessed our destination – we are going to the Hunter Valley again.

Well, Bobo’s sister is in town and its rude to come all this way and not swing by Cessnock and pick up a few bottles of vino.

Until I come up with some original content for this page, and for amusement, take a look at this post from Textism and see how many of the "worst ever" items you share with Dean.

I’d like to add that Celine Dion is the worst singer ever. I was hoping her sabbatical would last a bit longer, say another forty or fifty years, but the wailing French bint ™ is back. Dash and blast.

Last night

Last night rather than watch the Phantom Toss like virtually everyone else in Australia I tuned in to Sweet Revenge on the ABC. Which was not only a very good programme, but also made me feel slightly homesick for London. For those that missed it (or watched Law and Order or maybe even one of the other films on last night) it was a story of revenge but London was definitely one of the stars of the show.

Lots of long lingering shots of St Pauls and views of the Thames were interspersed in the story. In addition the main character was a professor of history at an unnamed London college whose specialisation was the history of the city. The show also managed to dig up lots of interesting pieces of information on the mapping of London, not something I had thought about before but fascinating never the less.

Its lucky then that we are going there in less than three months.

Three months? Oh dear, that means I’ve got an awful lot to do and not much time to get it done in.

I’d better get down to business. Does anyone know of a good storage place in Sydney? Or want to buy a Honda Prelude? Or a Beneteau First 375? No, well keep us in mind if you come across anyone who does.

I almost forget

I almost forget, the absolute highlight of the week had to be receiving a new box of business cards. Because I was in severe danger of running low. I’ve only got about 950 left of the 1000 cards I’ve been issued over the past couple of years. I think you will agree that the situation was getting critical and this new box was just in time.


I have been chastised. Mrs Palmer has upbraided me for my lack of blogging this week. What can I say? Well, I haven’t had much to say, so I haven’t written much here.

This week I have just about managed to scrape through the following exciting tasks

  • Tidy the house on Monday
  • Go to work on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Play tennis on Wednesday evening
  • fixed a bug in the dbBrowser sample for PythonCard

Which says it all really.

If you must have some excitement in your life try a little quiz, courtesy of my sister. I’m statler or waldorf for those that care.

Lorna is in the building

For the curious amongst you Lorna, Bobo’s sister, arrived safe and well (courtesy of Singapore Airlines) last night.

In a cruel cultural initiation we made her watch the Footy Show. Surprisingly enough we didn’t do this on purpose, it just happened to be on the television. Honest.


For those who bypass the front page and come straight to this blog (wise move, I don’t change the front page often) I will repeat here the latest notice.

New for March 2002. A picture of the family reeve has been added to the Miscellaneous photos page. Ben was mentioning that there were far too many pictures of people on the turps in my Photo Album (guilty as charged) and suggested we increase the family friendly content.

Always happy to oblige.