I’m Pleading Here

Will someone in the UK with access to MTV please video The Osbournes for me. As an added bonus I’ll bring my DVD of Spinal Tap to the viewing and we can see how many rock cliches there are in each episode.

Long Words

I have been chastised for using long words on this blog again. To which the correct response is, of course, go and look in the dictionary. Alternatively I did the trip for you; "misanthropy; n 1: hatred of mankind 2: a disposition to dislike and mistrust other people."


Billy Bragg has got a bee in his bonnet. No, really, he has. We should all apparently buy the three different versions of his new record to protest at the British monarchy – yes Mr Molland, this post is for you. If you don’t believe me, take a quick look at the lyrics to Take …