Two things

Two things. (that phrase is for Richard Billington, wherever he is these days – possibly Nottingham). I have had reports that this diary is hard to read. The initial answer is – get a bigger monitor. The polite answer is, I will look at changing the style sometime in the next week or two. You …


Finally, I managed to achieve something today. Unfortunately, all I did was to update my CD stacker page. Trip on over for top musical listings, and thats about it.


Today we are learning about ‘extortion’. Or, more precisely, airline ticket prices. Keen observers of this diary may have noticed that the boss and I are planning a trip to the UK this year. It is necessary, as I believe weddings by telephone are not strictly legal, and without being there I will not be …

Sad Techie

It is true that people accuse me of being a sad techie. I like computers, I like mucking about with the internet and this wibbly wobbly web thing. But, and this is a big but, I have not developed a whole new computer programming language in Klingon like these people.