
At last. The tickets are booked and (almost) paid for. We leave this sceptred isle on the 4th of October and land back in Sydney for a resumption of our Aussie lives on the 13th of October. I can’t wait.

The delay is due to a short layover in a little place in Thailand for family rest and recuperation. I can’t wait for that either.

Really we only came back to the UK for three months to get married. That was in July 2002. By the time we leave it will have been two years and three months. We did get slightly sidetracked by a little bloke but now is as good a time as any to return to the land down under. Of course, we’re waiting until October to avoid consecutive winters. With a bit of luck we will go from a nice warm Autumn in the mother country to a nice, shiny Spring in Sydney. Well, a chap can dream.

5 replies on “Arriverderci”

  1. i’ll book in some golf. i should be a man of leisure by then (well unemployed anyway).

  2. Better get the red carpet out of storage then. you should also get that phone call to the Nippers out of the way… very popular next summer

  3. On the other side though you’ll be missing the It Bites tour and the Marillion Weekend 2005….I’ll send you some photos

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