Movement in the air

Just a short note to let you, dear reader, know that a couple of the links in my sidebar are now working. I’ve had no complaints, but if you had tried the links to Jonathan James Palmer or Ciaran Hennessy recently you would not have had a great deal of joy.

Luckily for us the chaps have managed to get their acts together and rejoin this here world wide intarweb net. Good work fellas, may your links never rot.

There isn’t a lot to report from Chez Todd, hence the paucity of posts. Last week I took the boy to see his grandparents in cream tea country. SWMBO joined us on Friday evening and we persuaded granny to keep an ear out for the ankle biter on Saturday night. Faced with this unusual freedom what did we do? Went to the cinema of course. We had a veritable cornucopia of films to choose from. Well, alright, two, and we saw Shaun of the Dead. Funny, slightly scary and chock full of cultural references. Thoroughly pleasant entertainment.

Which is good because the alternative was Van Helsing, which hasn’t exactly been universally praised. Although Ciaran quite liked it. Which gets me back to where we started so I’ll just stop there.

One reply on “Movement in the air”

  1. Hey it was a good escapist film. I would never buy the thing on DVD, or even watch it on TV. But it was still a good little film.

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