Rubbish Duck

Rubbish DuckI was strolling the floor of our local mega-supermart yesterday when I happened to find myself in the toy aisle. Resisting the impulse to clear the shelves into my trolley I stuck to a single item for as little as I could get away with. One rubber duck, mine for one pound twenty pence. Because, lets face it, bath time isn’t bath time without a plastic yellow duck floating about around your nether regions and it was about time that junior got to learn the joy of it.

Then I put it in the bath, and you can see the results for yourself in the photo above. The bleeding thing floats on it’s side. I should have expected that from a rubber ducky that costs £1.20. I shall have to go upmarket, perhaps Hamleys.

Bath timeThe good news is that it hasn’t dampened his lordship’s enthusiasm for his daily wash.

If you don’t believe me just click on the photo to the left to see the full toothless grin.