Moral Dilemma

We will file this one in the "Interesting Things You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know" pile. SWMBO took Number 1 son to the doctors yesterday for a check up and his first ever vaccinations. Amongst them was a jab to protect against polio.

Whilst she was there the doctor gave SWMBO a booster, because apparently if you haven’t had one in the last ten years or so the vaccine can overcome your feeble defences and infect you polio. Which is nice.

Just as a precaution anyone around and close to a newly vaccinated child should have a booster shot. If you haven’t (like, say, me) its best to steer clear of any, err, issuings of the child. If you know what I mean. Even after the booster I’m told that the advice is to indulge in "obsessive hand washing".

Which leaves me with the dilemma. Do I do the decent thing and get myself a polio booster shot? Or do I use my lack of one as a convenient excuse to avoid changing nappies forever more?

You guessed it, I’m off to see the doctor on Thursday.

One reply on “Moral Dilemma”

  1. Or you could go back to OZ. They don’t make the SWMBO’s have it there. They just tell you to wash your hands.

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