I was going to let you know about the joys of my weekend. The highs and lows, the triumphs and setback, but then Simon put up a link to meatandcheese.co.uk: any thoughts of that ilk got replaced by me rolling around laughing.
These t-shirts are great and I want one now! A particular favourite around the office was the tourettes one, although I don’t think I’d be allowed to wear it at home. I’ve suggested to the team that we adopt the Computer Club one as official attire, I’ll let you know if the union passes the resolution or not.
These designs are so good that they may prompt Ciaran to abandon his fascination with American geekage and join us Poms in our celebration of rude words.
Not allowed to wear it at home? Who wears the trousers at your house? It’s not as if Alexander will be able to read it for a while…
What can I say, SWMBO is a sensitive soul.
I know how it is, Andy. When I was cohabiting, *I* always used to wear the trousers, but it must be admitted that she always used to tell me which pair to wear.
I like the Jesus Shirt. It’s just like an amusing bumper sticker I saw yesterday.
“Jesus Saves… Passes to Moses and Scores. ”