More Ex-Pat News

As an addendum to yesterday’s mention of people I know from Oz who are now here in blighty, I recently received an email from Mr Perusco. In it he mentioned that he quit his job with the mighty employer and was indulging his wanderlust. In essence he was asking if I knew anyone who could give him a job.

Being the tip top, up to the minute communications guru that I am I sat on his message for a week or so and eventually replied to him yesterday. Only to get an immediate bounce from the Oakton mail server. For the less technically inclined an email bounce is the email servers way of telling you that they don’t know this person and to stop bothering them thanks very much.

Rather than abandon Mr P I racked my brains for a way to get in contact. After a glass ot two of cotes de nuits I plumped for the obvious, and sent out a shout to Mr T. Who has responded handsomely, cheers Mark. By the way, did you know that a Google search for your name informs us that you aren’t a freelance Kiwi chancer, but rather that you are the CEO of Citrix Corporation? Mate, you’ve been hiding your light under bushel.

What next though, Mr Auld as president of the free world? Or at least of the best part of the best free world in the world. Stranger things have happened.