
Whilst I am talking about music, the new Beth Orton album Daybreaker is an absolute corker. The first couple of listens are a bit dissapointing, but after a few plays it just clicks, a series of sublime tunes topped off with a lovely voice. Of course, your opinion may vary but this is my vanity web site so I can say what I like.

Before this turns into a reviews page I would just like to point out that I am warbling on about music because I now have my MP3 jukebox plugged into my PC at work and am actually getting to listen to all of the CDs I have bought over the last six months. Oh, and before anyone accuses me of musical elitism I would like to point out that I am booked on the Marillion weekend next year. Which almost legitimises Jonny Palmer's taste in music. Almost, Jon, but not quite.