Rubbish TV

I just wrote a very long post and it got sucked into the internet black hole. Here is a summary;

I don’t control the remote control in our house now that Bobo is back from her travels. Occassionally she makes me watch rubbish. Two particularly awful examples this week were;

The Michael Jackson 30th anniversary concert. Channel 7 treated us to this ‘entertainment extravaganza’ on Monday evening. I could say so much, but my thoughts are expressed so much better in this Salon article. The man is a screaming loony.

Fox8 are running the quality show Cheaters. This show is terrible. It has been compared to The Jerry Springer Show but at least the Springer show has a sense of humour. This show drips false sincerity and to say it insulted my intelligence is an understatement. It is complete and utter toss and the planet would be a better place if it was never broadcast again.

There, I feel better now.