Two things today. First is

Two things today. First is that Harry Potter frenzy is reaching fever pitch in our house at the moment. Bobo and the smelly backpacker can’t wait to see the movie as they loved the book so much. My protestation that the film of any book never lives up to expectations is roundly pooh-poohed, but I shall maintain my own counsel.

My second thought for the day was prompted by the very first paragraph in the ‘hard news’ section of last week’s NTK. It reminded me of the pre-launch campaign for a youth ‘portal’ which was being built by a media company and television network here in Australia last year. Their posters (and banner ads) were all black, and contained the phrase “there is no scape” to tantalise the audience. The intention being, I presume, to intrigue the viewer into wondering what this could possibly be and to then launch onto the world with a flourish and a ‘well there is one now’ message. Sadly the joint venture perished in the dot com crash and the web portal was still born. The amusing factor here for me was the amazing foresight of the advert designers, there was (and is) “no scape”. Well, it makes me chuckle anyway.