The Rest

Assorted photos with no home

Click on any of the thumbnails to get a larger picture.

Bye Bye Jonny, Bye Bye

We arranged a farewell dinner and drinkies for Mr East. Unfortunately he got his dates wrong and was on a plane as we held it. Jon, I promised you photos and here they are. Mrs Whiston is receiving treatment for her condition.


One for the Perrys, here are Phoebe Lewis and Charlie Perry in all of their glory on our web page. For those who are unfamiliar with the relations these are Bobo's niece and nephew.

Me and Molly

The only extant photograph of me and Mr Molland on the turps. Looking quite good I'd say.

2 Jonny Palmers

Thereareonly two Jonny Palmers. Here is the photographic proof.

The Reeve Family

Ben complained because there were no pictures of his family on this web site. Here you go.