Interesting Spots on the Web
- Exmouth Youth Theatre club have a web site here. If you are wondering why I care, my brother is the technical manager.
- As featured in the photo album, the Gladstone family has a web site here, they also have a corporate web site here.
- For literary noodling, and better HTML than the above, try the (sometimes) very lovely Mr Mumford.
- Jon Palmer went back to school and updated his web site as part of an assignment. Sadly it hasn't changed since, and he still hasn't found the spell checker.
- Finally, Richard has entered this webby world. Check out Belinda's site and one for the whole family.
- A brave soul has tried to explain Exmouth
Technical Bits and Bobs
- For top GNU/Linux, you can't beat Debian, although I tend to use Ubuntu
- My programming language of choice is Python. It is a readable, powerful, dynamic programming language. Its also easy to learn, so if you fancy writing a computer program check it out.
- If you want to build graphical applications easily using Python you can try using PythonCard.
- I make my living by dabbling with software from, amongst others, the lovely people at Oracle. Thanks for all of the money Larry.
The Quest for Knowledge
My motto is that you can never know too much. Try these sites to learn even more about the world we live in.