
It is all Matthew Molland’s fault. I was considering leaving this post as just that sentence but you probably deserve a bit of elaboration. My so called ‘best man’ sent me an email over the weekend. As usual I skimmed it, composed a suitable witty reply about how wonderful I am and how cold, grey …


Sunburn. Bugger. I’m suffering because of the Calcutta cup. Not the rugby trophy contested by England and Scotland every year, but the annual contest at the tennis club. Although there are similarities between the two. At the ‘proper’ Calcutta cup thirty grown men attempt to beat the living doo-dads out of each other whilst chasing …

This just in

This just in from the UK – pictures of Phoebe Lewis in her pre-school nativity play. Warning – these photos contain images of small children enjoying themselves. I believe there is also a Christian sub-text for those who feel queasy around religion.

Nothing to Say

I still haven’t got anything to say. Gosh, my life must be dull – well it is, but in a nice dull way that I enjoy. I revel in my dullness. If you want to be educated or amused, read this piece by Bruce Sterling.

Grunge Factor

From Sheila Simmons, via Brent Simmons via Scripting News (blimey I’ll follow links anywhere); I am 17% Grunge. I will get out of your sight. I’m pathetic! With my clean clothes, and nice smell. I think I took the wrong test, thank god, huh? Take the Grunge Test at!