Can We See the Dan?

Following the links on my last post I note that the worlds best over produced West Coast rock duo are on a massive world tour this year. They are even gracing us with their presence down under. Even better they are playing a gig in Sydney.

However, I have had a long standing aversion to stadium gigs ever since I saw Prince in a hanger just outside Birmingham. If even he couldn’t get a vibe going in one of those oversized tin sheds what chance has anyone else got? My other reservation is that recent work by the Dan hasn’t been quite up to the standard of their 70’s and early 80’s output (something about dialling down on the nose powder perhaps?) and I’m wondering if it will be worth it. I have a sneaking suspicion though that I will be plonking down my credit card for a couple of tickets really rather soon. Anyone fancy joining me?

One reply on “Can We See the Dan?”

  1. Love to…there is a small problem with air fare/time off work etc. Any suggestions?

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